Kids will tell you that riding a bike requires one to find balance, and while tricky at first, when we do establish it, we wonder why the feat was so difficult, to begin with. But, on the other hand, it is a straightforward task when we master it but fraught with disappointment and fear before that point. 

Pedaling away requires body alignment and movement in a coordinated way. These skills would put one out of sync, but when performed together and in sequence, we attain success.

For us to be prosperous, we’re required to find balance in our lives. We should adopt a holistic approach to our existence, including focusing on our health, wealth, wisdom, and relationships. If we are all about our careers, we will soon find that other elements of our life will begin to suffer, and we will quickly start to falter. 

We must pay attention, find the balance, and then maintain it if we want to enjoy that long pleasant ride.
