by unthink | Oct 6, 2022 | Blog Post
The words of Kool and the Gang ring loud and clear. To celebrate is something we can all get around. It is uplifting and vital for individuals and teams. We constantly look at what we need to accomplish, where we need to get to, and what we still need to complete. We...
by unthink | Sep 29, 2022 | Blog Post
Which direction do you point? Do you begin with the finger pointing away from you at others? Or are you inclined to point at yourself first? The issue rarely lies with others alone, and since we know we cannot change people easily, why not start at the place...
by unthink | Sep 23, 2022 | Blog Post
We often resist starting something because we think and possibly know that we are not very good at it. So we don’t start drawing or taking photos, refrain from writing, or don’t take on a new hobby, activity, or sport. Yet, who was good at anything the first time they...
by unthink | Sep 22, 2022 | Blog Post
Some food, substances, and even activities may be toxic. They may have minimal effect in small doses, but with continued consumption, they will begin to impact your health and, with no intervention, may ultimately kill you. What of toxic environments? While you may...
by unthink | Sep 20, 2022 | Blog Post
When organizations and teams look ahead, creativity is inevitable, and with that comes imagination of possibilities. As part of strategic planning, teams will come together and realize that some are open and eager for change and the opportunities it presents, while...