Hours in a day

“There aren’t enough hours in the day.” How often have you uttered this phrase, lamenting your inability to complete tasks? The truth is, we all have the same 24 hours. The difference lies in how we use them. The real culprits robbing us of time are:...

Art in simplicity

We’re drowning in a sea of more. More commitments, more possessions, more information. Yet, we feel less satisfied, less fulfilled, less… everything. Bruce Lee, the martial arts legend, wisely said, “It is not daily increase but daily decrease. Hack...

Gambling with your future

We’re cautious with our financial investments, avoiding declining properties and high-risk ventures. Yet, we often ignore this wisdom in our daily lives. Why do we invest in underperforming team members, hoping they’ll magically improve? Is filling an...

The time paradox: Investment or waste

Time is precious, yet we often squander it thoughtlessly. Consider this: According to a 2020 GlobalWebIndex report, the average person spends 2 hours and 24 minutes on social media daily, which is 36 days a year, scrolling mindlessly. But what if we treated time like...

Schedule rest

The quest for better, faster, more is relentless. We’re always adding: more meetings, new processes, extra functions. But when did we last stop to ask “why?” A study by Atlassian found that employees spend an average of 31 hours per month in...