A strategy of less

Some organizations will invest in strategy extensively and ensure it is integral to their business operations and culture. This is for a good reason. Organizations that invest in understanding where they are going are inevitably far more efficient in getting there. We...

Prepare for winter

Not too many decades ago, we were far more attuned to seasonal produce. Then, it was common for people to reap the summer harvest’s richness and seek ways to preserve them for the winter. In some ways, these practices continue, and there is a resurgence in these...

Formula 1

Formula 1 is the pinnacle form of motor racing. Only ten teams, twenty drivers, compete. The barriers to entry are immense, and more organizations fail than succeed.  Those who succeed continue to maintain their foothold. The leaders are constantly pushing and...

Play it safe

We view playing it safe from diverse perspectives often based upon the prevailing circumstances and the situation. It can be seen to be positive, and at times negative too. Some situations may require us to be conservative in our approach to ensure that we do not...

A priority or deflection

In the past year, organizations have actively become aware of a need to take positions on social issues. Many released statements last July following various protests and social uprisings. The outpouring of support was immense. Even more have added racial equity,...