Cognitive dissonance

We are torn and feel uneasy. A situation challenges our beliefs and pulls us into a new realm of thinking. A simple example is that you decide to be healthy and shed the Covid shield lining your waistline. You eat healthily and commit to daily exercise. This weekend,...


Building one up takes decades and requires consistency and deliberate action to create, build, and nurture. While it is not always possible to define one’s reputation, we gain it through repeated interactions with others and establishing a common thread of solid...

Clip the wings of time

Time flies.  Before you know it, your child has finished high school, and it seemed like yesterday she was in first grade.  You have been with the company for ten years, and yet you started just the other day, and you have been with your partner since the dinosaurs...

Grasp the reset

The pandemic has altered not only our physical lives but our emotional and mental states as well. Life changed for all of us, whether directly or indirectly, and it should have highlighted what was important.   Everyone is eagerly awaiting ‘getting back to...

I can see clearly now

Johnny Nash understood it far better than most when he sang ‘I can see clearly now the rain is gone.I can see all obstacles in my way.Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind.It’s gonna be a bright (bright)Bright (bright) sunshiny day.’ We can be...