Diet gambles

We love shortcuts. We’re drawn to them like moths to flame, especially regarding our health. Today’s beacon? Intermittent fasting (IMF) – the darling of wellness influencers and biohackers. Lab mice show promising results. Impressive lifespans jump 40%...

When whispers mislead

Research from workplace psychology reveals that chronic complainers and gossip spreaders experience 23% higher stress levels and report lower job satisfaction than their peers (Harvard Business Review, 2023). “The most dangerous person is not the one who...

Wrong move basketball

When the 1992 US Olympic Basketball “Dream Team” first assembled, coach Chuck Daly made an unconventional choice. Despite having superstars like Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, and Larry Bird who played similar positions, he deliberately mixed up their...

Seeking our echo

Confirmation bias isn’t just a fancy term psychologists throw around – it’s the comfortable lie we tell ourselves daily. Research from the University of Illinois shows we spend 67% of our time seeking information confirming our beliefs, even when...

Reality bites back

Fighting what exists drains the energy needed to change what could be. Many leaders confuse acceptance with surrender, missing the vital difference between the two. Most struggle because they are too busy resisting current conditions to see the opportunities within...