Less priorities, more impact

According to Deloitte’s workplace burnout survey, 77% of employees feel burned out at their current job. The paradox? Those who do less often achieve more. Warren Buffett’s famous “2-List” strategy crystallizes this concept. He advises his...

Input equals output

Your daily decisions compound like interest. Each choice, no matter how small, creates ripples that shape your future outcomes. Most people think breakthrough moments happen overnight – they don’t. Twenty years of research at the Human Performance...

The wait before the leap

Success rarely arrives on schedule. Most overnight sensations took a decade to emerge. Ask Phil Knight about those first few years selling shoes from his car trunk, or Sara Blakely about her endless rejections before Spanx took off. The temptation to rush is powerful....

Put your mask on first

Leadership starts with self-care, yet we resist this fundamental truth. Airlines understand this perfectly – their universal safety protocol demands we secure our oxygen mask before helping others. It’s not selfish, it’s strategic. Research from...

Habits are eternal

In 1984, Jim Longstreet opened a single barbershop in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Unlike his competitors chasing growth targets, he focused on one habit – calling three existing customers every evening to check on their satisfaction. Those three daily calls grew into a...