Who is your customer?

In the bustling marketplace of ideas and services, we often narrowly define our customers. But what if I told you that your customer base is far more expansive – and complex – than you’ve ever imagined? Consider TOMS Shoes, the company that pioneered...

The founder mode fallacy

Silicon Valley’s buzzing about ‘founder mode’ – the idea that founders should manage every crucial decision. But is this a stroke of genius or a massive cop-out? Consider Basecamp, a project management software company. Its success isn’t...

Singularity: Mastering your niche

In a world obsessed with diversification, there’s a quiet revolution brewing: the power of singularity. Consider In-N-Out Burger, a fast-food chain that’s achieved cult status. Their secret? A menu with just a handful of items, unchanged since 1948....

The myth of organizational uniqueness

“We’re different. That won’t work here.” Sound familiar? It’s the battle cry of organizations resistant to change, convinced of their uniqueness. But here’s the provocative truth: you’re more similar than you think. Consider...

Stagnation or transformation

Ever feel like you’re running on a treadmill, exerting effort but going nowhere? Success seems to play hide-and-seek, leaving you questioning your abilities. Before you spiral into self-doubt, consider this: maybe it’s not you, it’s your environment....