Business model: Blueprint or buzzword

The term “business model” gets thrown around like confetti in organizations. But what does it mean? And more importantly, why should you care? Enter the Business Model Canvas. This strategic management tool, created by Alexander Osterwalder, is like a...

ROWE: Revolutionizing or ruining the workplace?

Welcome to the world of ROWE, where the only thing that matters is results. There are no set hours, mandatory meetings, or office required. It’s the ultimate employee freedom, but is it too good to be true? Companies like Best Buy, WATT Global Media, and Summit...

Mertics: Meaningless or mandatory?

The adage “if we do not measure it, it does not matter” has become a mantra in business. Yet, for most organizations and individuals, it would suggest that most of their efforts are meaningless, as they remain unmeasured. We rely on outdated, one-sided...

No problem, solve it now!

“No problem.” These two words can change everything. In South Africa, it’s more than just a phrase; it’s a mindset—a quick acknowledgment of a challenge, followed by an unwavering commitment to finding a solution. Dwelling on problems is a...

Innovate or evaporate

The world moves fast. One day, you’re the hot new thing; the next, you’re yesterday’s news. It’s a harsh reality, but it’s the truth. As the father of modern management, Peter Drucker, stated, “The greatest danger in times of...