Defeat in hate

There is love and hate, Two powerful and seemingly opposing feelings. Yet not at all. You may dislike food or a particular style, genre, or behavior. However, hate of another requires an intense and dedicated emotion. It is strong and consuming. Unlike love, it is...

You cannot change them

Why is it that the same people seem to frustrate you over and over again? They keep you waiting, fail to keep their promises and commitments, and generally fail you time and again. If it is your young child, it’s understandable that they may not know better, and...

Are rulers past tense?

With leadership comes tremendous power, and with that responsibility and ultimately accountability. While leaders can make significant decisions that will have far-reaching implications on the people they lead, its jurisdiction should be used judiciously and with...

Employees will reward

We can have clear expectations of our employees (as we should). There is a tacit agreement with both parties that includes obligations, expectations, and responsibilities. While we expect a strong performance of employees, the same individual also leaves work and has...

Stop with the F word

Who does not feel the need or occasionally enjoy cussing to emphasize, exaggerate or vent? There is a small personal sense of fulfillment in doing so. Why? Very likely because we know that it’s not the acceptable language, and we can break the rules and get away with...