What needs to be said

Why do we leave the most important things left unsaid? Not the words of criticism or negativity. What of those of warmth and kindness? Those of love and appreciation. We should share the words but don’t until it’s too late. Make it your responsibility or live with...

Human being

The ability to care collectively.  About us, not me. Don’t we all aspire to it? Yet, the reality. Help, unless inconvenienced. Care, when cared for first. Share, when in abundance. Abhor lies, until we do. Sincere, until unsuitable. To be human, rather than just...

Kind communication

When we speak, every tone and choice of words shapes the outcome of our conversations. Imagine choosing kindness as our guide, creating interactions as delightful as a path lined with flowers, far away from the discomfort of thorns. This approach to communication...

Personal measures

What do you regularly measure? The areas where you focus your attention, precisely measure changes, and set targets are likely where you will see results. Most people will calculate their income and expenses, track weight or potentially exercise performance. What...

Benefits of fasting

The merits of intermittent fasting (IF) have filled thousands of pages of literature, provoked numerous studies, been the topic of multiple podcasts, generated numerous dedicated apps, and enlisted millions of devoted loyalists to the movement. In brief, intermittent...