My way: the silent saboteur

Inevitably, we believe that the way we do most things is the best way. How often do you find that the work of others does not meet your expectations and specifications? Less than perfect is a standard we unknowingly set when we expect it ‘my way.’ Since our...

Reaching for the sky

Richard Koch’s “Star Businesses” concept isn’t about Hollywood glamour. It’s about explosive growth and market dominance. According to Koch, a star business combines high growth with high market share. These are the unicorns of the...

A game changer

In the 50-meter men’s fly, Australian Cameron McEvoy defied traditional methods to clinch Olympic gold and the Olympic record. McEvoy’s secret? Abandoning endurance training for intense, focused sprints. Shorter, yet more potent. This defied norms, but his...

Create innovative environments

Most organizations seek innovation to progress, grow, and create competitive differentiation. But can we truly create innovation, or are we just getting out of its way? Think of a child’s natural creativity. It’s unbridled until adults rein it in to...

Delegation: Trust or micromanage

Delegation is a dance, but many leaders stumble through it. They assign tasks, then hover, changing scope and timelines on a whim. The result? Demotivated employees and frustrated leaders. According to a Gallup study, only 30% of employees feel their opinions count at...