When pride meets progress

The Wright brothers didn’t conquer the skies alone. Their breakthrough came after writing to the Smithsonian Institution, requesting every publication they had on flying machines. Thomas Edison’s light bulb emerged through collaboration. He actively sought...

Critics own nothing

The critics sit comfortably in their armchairs, dispensing judgment on creations they’ve never attempted to build. They wield influence without responsibility, shaping opinions without skin in the game. These professional opinion-givers have carved out a curious...

The success trap

The comfort zone is seductive. It whispers sweet nothings about stability while slowly stealing your edge. According to research from Harvard Business School, 67% of high performers experience what researchers call “success syndrome,” a pattern in which...

When control is no longer

Controlling environments are like cages built with good intentions. We design them to create predictability, reduce errors, and streamline decisions. But what grows in a cage? According to Steve Magness, author of “Do Hard Things,” control-based...

Brilliance: Your unfair advantage

The Conformity Trap “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde A sea of sameness surrounds us. Organizations, desperate for success, often resort to mimicking their competitors. It’s the corporate equivalent of wearing the...