A game changer

In the 50-meter men’s fly, Australian Cameron McEvoy defied traditional methods to clinch Olympic gold and the Olympic record. McEvoy’s secret? Abandoning endurance training for intense, focused sprints. Shorter, yet more potent. This defied norms, but his...

Create innovative environments

Most organizations seek innovation to progress, grow, and create competitive differentiation. But can we truly create innovation, or are we just getting out of its way? Think of a child’s natural creativity. It’s unbridled until adults rein it in to...

Delegation: Trust or micromanage

Delegation is a dance, but many leaders stumble through it. They assign tasks, then hover, changing scope and timelines on a whim. The result? Demotivated employees and frustrated leaders. According to a Gallup study, only 30% of employees feel their opinions count at...

The Blackberry click

When the iPhone began to captivate the market with its array of integrated functions—a phone, texting, music, and so much more—Blackberry created a flat-screen keyboard that emphasized ‘the click.’ What’s your click?...

Tiring brands

In a constantly evolving world, it’s easy for brands to become tired. Like that old sofa or dated outfit, a once-shining brand can quickly lose its luster if it fails to keep up with the times. Take Blockbuster, for example. Once the king of video rentals, it...