
In our haste to complete tasks or do things the way we want it, we go ahead and take on a task that is the responsibility of others. The justification we provide is that ‘it is simpler for me to do so’ or ‘it was me thinking it through, or ‘it...

Beyond the goals

Almost a new year and a time that we set goals to make ourselves better, goals that apply to health, wealth, relationships, or wisdom. The exercise of creating these goals is enriching and valuable; it puts our minds to ideas of growth and change. The year begins, and...

Value in resolutions

It is a time for optimism. A new year is approaching. We may question our lifestyle, our habits, and our endeavors. While many of the challenges we set for ourselves, we will measure by activity, output, or accumulation. However, one focus will likely deliver...

Failure is final

We will fail once we choose to accept failure. But, until then, there is always a possibility, if someone is truly determined to achieve something, that they will. The question is whether we want it enough. Are we prepared to put in the time, the dedication, and deal...

A new weave

 Generational patterns are profoundly impactful on us as individual beings.  While they may be significant, they are by no means permanent. Change is possible. The change requires a shift in thinking, a desire to be different, and the will to persevere.  We are...