Behind the mask

Too often, we work closely with individuals yet have no sense of who they are or what is important to them. We are quick to judge and assume. We inevitably form unfounded and invalidated opinions regarding individual behaviors and character without knowledge of the...

The wait before the leap

Success rarely arrives on schedule. Most overnight sensations took a decade to emerge. Ask Phil Knight about those first few years selling shoes from his car trunk, or Sara Blakely about her endless rejections before Spanx took off. The temptation to rush is powerful....

Challenge your truth

You say you’re open-minded. But are you? Most claim they welcome new perspectives. They don’t. They welcome confirmation. We seek validation, not truth. It’s human nature – comfortable, predictable, safe. But greatness rarely emerges from...

Rushing to blame

The easiest path is pointing fingers. The braver path is looking in the mirror. 83% of executives admit to witnessing blame-shifting in their organizations, yet only 2% believed they contributed to the problem. Microsoft’s transformation under Satya Nadella...

Beyond your comfort zone

The status quo is a seductive trap. It whispers sweet nothings about safety and predictability while stealing our growth potential. According to McKinsey’s research, 70% of change initiatives fail because people default to familiar patterns, even when those...