Machines forcing clarity

Back in 1967, IBM programmer George Fuechsel coined a phrase that would echo through computing history: “garbage in, garbage out.” He noticed that programmers often blamed computers for producing wrong results when the real culprit was flawed input data....

Braving the cold

The winter morning whispers threats through frosted windowpanes. My mind conjures images of biting winds and numbing cold, remnants of a sun-soaked upbringing where winter meant light jackets at worst. But here’s the truth about that dreaded first step outside –...

Avoid the annual goal setting delusion

Traditional goal-setting fails 92% of the time, according to research by the University of Scranton. During this festive season of reflection and anticipation, most people engage in the mental gymnastics of annual planning – a more academic ritual than...

What’s the plan?

What is a strategy without a plan? The statement is simple enough. Don’t waste your time. We love to ideate and dream, And we should. But if we have no plan, treat that exercise for what it is: day-dreaming. You will not fail because of your strategy, but likely...

Obsession with data

In the arena of success, metrics are the unsung heroes. The adage “If it’s not measured, it doesn’t matter” isn’t just a catchy phrase—it’s a blueprint for excellence. Zume Pizza is a startup that uses data analytics to predict...