Like, to be liked

Watch children at play – they instinctively know who genuinely wants to share their toys. No fancy words or promises required. That raw human detector never leaves us; it just gets buried under politeness and protocol. We carry mental ledgers of authenticity....

When pride meets progress

The Wright brothers didn’t conquer the skies alone. Their breakthrough came after writing to the Smithsonian Institution, requesting every publication they had on flying machines. Thomas Edison’s light bulb emerged through collaboration. He actively sought...

Finding cause to celebrate

It is the most exciting day of the year. December 23 is a big day for me. It’s not a birthday or an anniversary but rather one dictated by the solar system and the Earth’s rotation. Today is when the northern hemisphere has its shortest day. Not that I am...

A pressure-proof protocol

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.” – Viktor Frankl Your pressure protocol isn’t just a checklist – it’s your personal operating system for high-stakes moments. Research...

Dodging praise

We squirm. We deflect. We diminish our light. Someone says, “Brilliant presentation,” and we rush to say, “Oh, it was nothing.” They praise our outfit, and we point out a tiny flaw. They admire our achievements, and we credit luck. Here’s...