A fan of own values

Fifty-six thousand fans closely assemble into a stadium filled with people of all ages, shapes, colors, and persuasions, just as it should be. Twenty-two gladiators appear on freshly manicured lush green grass bearing the colors of their respective clans, taking in...

Don’t lose it

That is your anger and composure. We get angry at times because of something that happened or perceive it as unfavorable to us.  It happened in the past, and while you may have reason to be disappointed and displaced, why lose your temper? Who will that help?...

Why not you?

The individuals that we admire and look up to were not born those people. The visionary, the artist, the poet, the leader, the athlete, the carer, the coach. Not one has the recognition or achievement at the outset, and many may have risen from a place of obscurity or...

Identity is a Choice

The person who commits to running daily and improving is a runner. The writer who writes daily with the aim of someday publishing is an author. What we choose to focus on and define us, and then pursue it with vigor, ultimately will become who we are. The same applies...