Birds greet the dawn with tasks. We’ve simplified but seek more. Can we find balance?

Every morning, if you listen carefully, you will hear birds challenging dawn to the day ahead. They arise and take a few moments, and then, before too long, the day begins with tremendous hard work.  Most living creatures that humans do not control in any way carry out an extensive set of tasks to survive and thrive. Imagine a lion or a wolf living the life of their domesticated lineage. Even we humans lived similar existences in the early days of civilization.

Through clever ingenuity, imagination, and perseverance, we developed ways to simplify things, enabling us to do the things we enjoy and allow others to do the things we don’t in return for what we do, allowing us to reimburse them.

Yet when did we get to the stage where doing less is the ambition while expecting even more? You may get away with it for a day or two, which may extend to years, but like any system, weaknesses reveal themselves, and the issue is unmasked. 

We are privileged and fortunate far more than any other generation. Yes, we have also introduced many complexities in our lives due to these privileges, but it is simpler and more accessible than ever before to do anything we dream of and commit to.

The animals will continue to work hard each day to survive since they know there is a direct correlation between their effort and their ability to survive.  Yet, we say we are the more intelligent species.
