Worry is a cycle—endless, like a hamster wheel. But the world’s turmoil doesn’t demand your constant fretting. Break the cycle. How? Start by asking, “What’s within my grasp?”

Control is often an illusion, but influence? That’s real. Impact what you can release and what you can’t. As the old wisdom goes, “Worry is like a rocking chair—it gives you something to do, but it never gets you anywhere.”

Reframe the narrative. Is the mountain truly a molehill in disguise? Your perspective might need a tweak more than the world needs a fix.

Action beats anxiety. Do what you can, then stand back. If there’s no move to make, let go like autumn leaves.

Find your sanctuary, a mental alcove away from chaos. In the stillness, find clarity. Sometimes, the bravest act is to retreat and recharge.

So, when worry whispers, answer back with wit and wisdom. Remember, even the mightiest rivers eventually reach the calm of the ocean.
