People are like books waiting to be opened, their stories concealed within the pages of their lives. We often rush past without a second thought, too preoccupied with our tales to notice the narratives of those around us. But people are endlessly intriguing, and a few simple questions can unlock a treasure trove of experiences, emotions, and wisdom.

Questions are the keys to the vault of human experiences. They can turn a casual encounter or conversation into a profound exploration. It’s your morning coffee, the Uber ride, and surprise, surprise, the person in your office who you see each day and have no idea about them whatsoever.

It’s as simple as asking someone about their favorite childhood memory, and suddenly, you’re transported to a different time and place. Their eyes light up, and you find yourself immersed in the vivid details of their past adventures.

Often, we make assumptions about people based on their appearance or a brief encounter. If we dig a little deeper, we might unearth surprises that challenge our preconceived notions. That stern-looking librarian might turn out to be a passionate skydiver on the weekends, or the quiet neighbor might have a hidden talent for painting breathtaking landscapes.

Taking the time to ask questions is an act of learning, a chance to expand your horizons. With each story shared you gain a new perspective and a fresh insight into human existence. You begin to appreciate the diversity of experiences that make our world so vibrant and complex.

Moreover, asking questions is a bridge to connection. It invites someone to share a piece of their world with you. In return, you offer your presence, curiosity, and a moment of genuine connection that can brighten both days. The traveler from Ohio, the student from Oklahoma, two people from Florida with families all over the northeast, one from Mexico, the composer from Barcelona, via New York en route to New Orleans, and even more, all within one day and less than 15 minutes discussion. Fascinating.

So, next time you find yourself in a conversation, take a moment to pause and ask a simple question. It could be about their favorite book, a cherished travel memory, or even a childhood dream. The simplest one is, ‘Are you from here.’  Watch as the stories unfold, the smiles widen, and the connection deepens.

People are fascinating, and the world is more prosperous when we take the time to listen. Each question invites us to open our understanding of people, places, and experiences, broaden our horizons, and grow.
