Do you have an A-team?  The ability to succeed in any initiative depends on the agility of the people you have. Top performers want to be with top performers. They need them to develop further. So if A players surround you, nothing is insurmountable. 

Would you hire all the people on your team if you could choose the team again today? Who are the people you can rely on most of the time? 

As a leader, you must assemble the best team possible. Nurture those who are consistently stellar and develop them further. Those who are at the opposite end of the spectrum need to change. Either aid their development or replace them if it is unsolvable.

Be considerate of people, but appreciate all need to perform their roles to the expected capabilities, or else we are negatively impacting everyone within the organization. 

As a leader, you are responsible for choosing and nurturing an A-team.
