Manage the seasons

In nature, seasons dictate activity and focus. Why do we forget this in business? Just as circadian rhythms affect our daily performance, seasonal rhythms impact our yearly productivity. Farmers understand this. They rotate crops and let fields rest. Why? A study in...

Schedule rest

The quest for better, faster, more is relentless. We’re always adding: more meetings, new processes, extra functions. But when did we last stop to ask “why?” A study by Atlassian found that employees spend an average of 31 hours per month in...

Stop, smell the roses

In our fast-paced world, we often forget to be. We rush from one task to another, and our minds are constantly elsewhere. But what if the secret to productivity lies in being more present? Presence isn’t just about stopping to smell the roses; it’s about...

The myth of more

Too much. Everywhere, more is the mantra. But is more success, or just more clutter? We drown in the excess. Meetings? Endless. Most times, we’re just audience members. Cut back. Priorities? A list too long is no list at all. Simplify. Goals for the day?...