by unthink | May 18, 2021 | Blog Post
The fundamental value we rely on to conduct, interact, and participate in almost all we do daily: trust. We are unable to function unless we trust the people we know and even those we don’t. We trust that the company has packaged the decaf coffee as labeled, the news...
by unthink | May 17, 2021 | Blog Post
There is much to be said for fresh. It typically tastes, looks, feels, smells and sounds better. There is good reason why the label fresh is used extensively as a selling point, and a guarantee of freshness brings value and appeal. Our best work is done when we are...
by unthink | May 12, 2021 | Blog Post
Speed of change and the depth of information available drives the move to specialization and a call to attain focus and expertise applicable to individuals and organizations. Identifying and creating niche areas in a crowded marketplace is essential and...
by unthink | May 4, 2021 | Blog Post
We praise the even-keeled superior or coach who demonstrates consistent composure and control regardless of the pressure and stress they encounter. It creates a calm environment and is less distractive. We mute the calm voice because of its consistent tone. We become...
by unthink | May 2, 2021 | Blog Post
We are hardwired to focus on the negatives. A review or assessment of people or initiatives inevitably will focus on what is wrong, even when we look for positives. Where is the value in that? We fixate on the imperfect and the insufficient. We highlight ‘could have,...