
It is a basic human need. We all want to be part of something. Yet, how often do we choose what we want to be a part of? Associating with an organization that reflects your values and wishes and where you feel valued, one can easily align with. Then there are those...

Together on The rollercoaster

We step onto the platform and anticipate the experience. Our pulse races, and we feel a level of energy and a pang of fear.  The heart may beat faster while palms dampen. We look around, and we see others with us. Together we begin to feel some comfort and a...

Which dance?

We waltz through the day, performing various dances. They are more a waltz than salsa, although sometimes it may even feel like a tango. Our interactions will become a dance as we approach situations from varying perspectives and involvement.  The dance we...

Unnecessary input

Your child slogged away on their school assignment for weeks, or the team labored away at the marketing report or new internal directive and produced a sound product. Along the way, others provided guidance and input. The project is coming to an end, and it is ready...

The feminine side

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers.   The old boys club is a term used often in the workplace, suggesting a  hierarchy exists that is predominantly male-centric and controlled by older men. Unfortunately, this is more prevalent than we give credit to and exists in...