In blind sight

Henry Ford never visited a mechanics shop to revolutionize transportation. He watched assembly lines at meat-packing plants. The innovation wasn’t in engines – it was in the process. Most companies look for innovation in familiar places. Tech firms study...

Art of less

In 1950, the average American cookbook contained 85 recipes. Julia Child’s “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” featured 524 recipes. Today, a single food blog can host thousands. We collect them like trading cards, yet master none. This pattern...

Choose your burden

Howard Hughes, the billionaire aviator and filmmaker, lived two distinct lives – one of remarkable achievement and another of self-imposed isolation. In his early years, Hughes chose the burden of innovation, breaking aviation records and revolutionizing film...

When you stop to think

Bill Gates would vanish into the woods for a week each year during Microsoft’s peak. No emails. No meetings. Just books and deep thinking. But this wasn’t casual reading. While others devoured business books searching for success formulas, Gates hunted for...

The delusion of scattered dreams

The numbers tell a stark truth: A Harvard Business School study found that companies pursuing more than five strategic priorities were 50% less likely to achieve market leadership. Yet the average executive today juggles 12-15 major initiatives. Consider Apple. Under...