Braving the cold

The winter morning whispers threats through frosted windowpanes. My mind conjures images of biting winds and numbing cold, remnants of a sun-soaked upbringing where winter meant light jackets at worst. But here’s the truth about that dreaded first step outside –...

What’s the plan?

What is a strategy without a plan? The statement is simple enough. Don’t waste your time. We love to ideate and dream, And we should. But if we have no plan, treat that exercise for what it is: day-dreaming. You will not fail because of your strategy, but likely...

Brilliance: Your unfair advantage

The Conformity Trap “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde A sea of sameness surrounds us. Organizations, desperate for success, often resort to mimicking their competitors. It’s the corporate equivalent of wearing the...

Competitive advantage

We want it. Even when we believe we lack a competitive streak, we still look over our shoulders to see what others in our industry, sphere, and market are doing. It is a benchmark. Their progress, demise, and news will catch our attention. So, how do we stay ahead of...

The Blackberry click

When the iPhone began to captivate the market with its array of integrated functions—a phone, texting, music, and so much more—Blackberry created a flat-screen keyboard that emphasized ‘the click.’ What’s your click?...