Declare your intention

Strategy was borne out of the military, where armies would develop a plan to guarantee their prosperity and defeat the enemy. What is our strategy? We perform tasks daily, but for what purpose? Have we declared what the goal is for all our efforts? Our strategy is a...

Beat the competition

Is that what it’s all about? You make a move, forcing someone else to make a move.  You move in one direction, and soon enough, others move too. We spend endless time looking at the competition, what do they have that we don’t have, what do they do we don’t do....

Working together

Various relationships exist that indicate two or more organizations or individuals working together. While they may demonstrate common purpose, they will vary immensely in levels of commitment, dedication, and intent, and the nature of the relationship you choose and...

The worst of times are the best of times

Having one’s back against the wall is not something we relish or wish upon ourselves. We feel anxious, concerned, fearful, and desperate. Yet, in extreme situations that require us to make decisions of survival, we bypass or shorten this state of tension and move...