To wish or act

Who has not been guilty of wishing for something? A new car, a better job, a trip, or even something necessary, basic and essential. Then there are the times when we take action, or in many instances, possibly not. Yet what we are predisposed to will dictate an...

Sorry seems to be the hardest word to say

From the earliest age, we learn that the right answer is good, how to tell right from wrong.  We receive applause for doing the right thing and revered for being right. Regardless of all our efforts and best intentions, we sometimes get it wrong or are just at...

Solace in uncomfortable

We do not set out to be uncomfortable,  and we dislike it when we are in situations where we battle to find a good path forward.  Yet, while there is the apparent loathing we feel about being in that position, we should ask ourselves if this is an...

Get out of your own way

The title of a U2 song aptly describes what we should do more often. When things go south or off course, it is simple to look around to assign the blame to others—ever wondered how that helps? The only place we need to look is inward since we know where the issue lies...

The right support

We think we want help or need it. Yet, what is it we are seeking? Validation, confirmation, or agreement? How does this help us? Are we not better off with honest upfront feedback that asks, ‘look at what you are doing. Can you not see the pitfalls?’ While they may...