Like, to be liked

Watch children at play – they instinctively know who genuinely wants to share their toys. No fancy words or promises required. That raw human detector never leaves us; it just gets buried under politeness and protocol. We carry mental ledgers of authenticity....

The one relationship to nurture

The most complex relationship you’ll ever have is with yourself. Most people spend years learning about others while barely scratching their surface. “Know thyself” – Ancient Greek aphorism Think of your inner landscape like an iceberg. What...

The pecking order

Reflecting on my childhood and later years, it is fascinating to think about the various groups I was a part of, including classroom, teams, family, and even friend circles. I recall trying to understand where I fit in and my role within each of those circles, even in...

Comfort or solutions

A thread binds us all in our relationships – the need to share, vent, and be heard. It’s a universal desire to express our thoughts, joys, and struggles. And there’s a small yet powerful step that can make all the difference – asking, “Do you want...

No more sorries

Oh, the overused “sorry.” We toss it around like confetti, hoping it’ll fix anything. But let’s face it, is it doing any good? Not really. Sorry, but it’s time to rethink our apologies and break this endless cycle. We say sorry for...