by unthink | Mar 3, 2025 | Blog Post
The individual who cancels at the last minute, the team member who arrives unprepared, and the leader who schedules without clarity transmit unmistakable signals about their priorities and respect. Consider the regional VP who built his reputation not through grand...
by unthink | Jan 6, 2025 | Blog Post
We confuse abundance with clarity. Our dashboards overflow with numbers, each claiming importance, each demanding attention. Priority used to mean one – the first, the vital. Now, we juggle ten “priorities,” pretending they all matter equally. Strip...
by unthink | Sep 1, 2023 | Blog Post
The actor Keanu Reeves is known for his laid-back attitude and ability to see life’s humor. In one interview, he was asked about his philosophy on arguing. He said, “Life is too precious to argue with another person over trivial or in some instances,...
by unthink | May 26, 2023 | Blog Post
Learning a new language is daunting. Juggling two or more? Recipe for disaster. Our effectiveness plummets, progress stalls, and we may abandon ship. The solution? Choose one language. Dedicate time, evaluate progress, and watch your efficiency soar. The same applies...
by unthink | Mar 29, 2023 | Blog Post
Reflect on those times you have genuinely wanted something. You become possessed to attain the outcome you desire. With that obsession comes dedication, commitment, and an increased drive to succeed. Nothing will stop you. So, you say you want a six-pack of abs,...