Wait for trouble

Looking for trouble is exhausting. And expensive. When it needs you, it knows where to find you. Until then, get on with living. We prep for storms that never come. Pack umbrellas under clear skies. Miss the sunshine while scanning for clouds. Worse, we create space...

Life’s not your game

Living authentically isn’t a strategy. It’s a revolution. Most people think life’s a chess match. They calculate moves, plan responses, and guard their position. They always want the upper hand and think to outmaneuver. However, a 2021 Harvard...

Dodging praise

We squirm. We deflect. We diminish our light. Someone says, “Brilliant presentation,” and we rush to say, “Oh, it was nothing.” They praise our outfit, and we point out a tiny flaw. They admire our achievements, and we credit luck. Here’s...

The one relationship to nurture

The most complex relationship you’ll ever have is with yourself. Most people spend years learning about others while barely scratching their surface. “Know thyself” – Ancient Greek aphorism Think of your inner landscape like an iceberg. What...

Why leaders break mirrors

The temptation is magnetic. Point fingers. Fix others—control outcomes. Yet here you sit, gripping tightly to what’s already slipping through your fingers. Every leader faces that 3 AM truth – the one that whispers: “Maybe the chaos out there...