Your secret to success

Searching for that magic bullet? The perfect program, tool, or framework that will finally help us achieve our goals. What if the secret to success isn’t out there but within? As Zig Ziglar once said, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last....

With a little help from my peers

Coaches are fantastic. They’re the lighthouse guiding ships to shore — illuminating the path, preventing mishaps, nurturing growth, removing the cloud, and stretching the vision. But let’s face it, having a coach glued to your side 24/7? Unrealistic. Enter...

Building chains

The chain comprises multiple links that come together and connect perfectly. Only when they are all connected is it whole, and disconnecting just one link will make the entire chain ineffective.  The principle of building or breaking habits and behaviors is the same....

Growth beyond the container

A plant in a pot given enough nourishment and watered consistently will, in time, outgrow its pot. Likewise, the more space we offer it and the more excellent care we provide, the faster it will grow until the roots restrict and stifle the plant within the container....

Standing still

Mull over these facts and thoughts for a moment: ·         The global average life expectancy in 2019 was 72.6 years, higher than any single county in 1950 and an increase of over 30 years during that period. ·  ...