Perfect progress

‘Even a tortoise moves forward by sticking its neck out.’ We obsess over perfection when progress is what matters. Yet we forget that even nature takes seasons to bloom. The morning sun doesn’t apologize for taking its time to rise. Some days, moving forward...

Advice that changes nothing

Here’s the thing about advice: it flows freely, from mentors charging thousands to well-meaning strangers online. Both carry a price tag – one visible, one hidden in the cost of inaction. The guru’s wisdom isn’t magic. Neither is the free guidance...

The one relationship to nurture

The most complex relationship you’ll ever have is with yourself. Most people spend years learning about others while barely scratching their surface. “Know thyself” – Ancient Greek aphorism Think of your inner landscape like an iceberg. What...

Impact in color

The average child uses 6-8 colors in their drawings. Adults? Just 2-3. Color researcher Karen Haller found that by age 15, we start defaulting to “safer” choices. Navy. Gray. Beige. The trinity of tiptoeing through life. “Color is a power which...

The masquerade of change

Change isn’t a costume party. It’s surgery on the soul. Every October, millions dress up, pretending to be someone else. The global costume industry rakes in $11 billion annually, proving how much we love temporary transformations. But real change?...