Maintain the whole system

High-performing successful teams, along with high-achieving organizations, are well-curated and assembled. Periodically, they adjust to fine-tune and improve results. Within groups, the adjustments are to people and processes that enhance flow and connection. When...

Getting what you want

Would it not be brilliant always to get what you want? But if we choose to live in reality, that does not occur regardless of who we are or think we are. It is not unusual to hear leaders say they are displeased because they did not get what they wanted. The words are...


It conjures up elements of a moral compass and honesty, and we misplace it with self-righteousness. Yet it is not philosophical nor preachy. For example, choose your favorite ethnic cuisine, and then let’s mix that up for fun. We will call that fusion of one and the...

Attribute success

You have attained so much. You have a promising career, are well respected, created wealth, and even reached personal milestones across activities, hobbies, and knowledge attainment. Your achievements are tremendous – well done! You are a success, and it is all...

Celebrating birthdays

Most people enjoy birthdays, especially their own. It is a celebration of joy—a simple moment to acknowledge someone and hail their birth on their day. You will likely still enjoy the moment even if it is not your birthday.  As organizations, we rarely celebrate...