Mind over maybe

According to a landmark study in the Journal of Research in Personality, individuals with high self-efficacy (belief in their ability to succeed) were 21% more likely to achieve their stated goals than those with similar abilities but lower self-belief. History...

Reality bites back

Fighting what exists drains the energy needed to change what could be. Many leaders confuse acceptance with surrender, missing the vital difference between the two. Most struggle because they are too busy resisting current conditions to see the opportunities within...

Finding cause to celebrate

It is the most exciting day of the year. December 23 is a big day for me. It’s not a birthday or an anniversary but rather one dictated by the solar system and the Earth’s rotation. Today is when the northern hemisphere has its shortest day. Not that I am...

Braving the cold

The winter morning whispers threats through frosted windowpanes. My mind conjures images of biting winds and numbing cold, remnants of a sun-soaked upbringing where winter meant light jackets at worst. But here’s the truth about that dreaded first step outside –...

Wait for trouble

Looking for trouble is exhausting. And expensive. When it needs you, it knows where to find you. Until then, get on with living. We prep for storms that never come. Pack umbrellas under clear skies. Miss the sunshine while scanning for clouds. Worse, we create space...