Wearing busy as success

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” – Confucius We wear our busyness like a medal of honor. It’s the modern professional’s favorite humble brag. No time for lunch? Badge earned. Working weekends? Level up....

The success trap

The comfort zone is seductive. It whispers sweet nothings about stability while slowly stealing your edge. According to research from Harvard Business School, 67% of high performers experience what researchers call “success syndrome,” a pattern in which...

When control is no longer

Controlling environments are like cages built with good intentions. We design them to create predictability, reduce errors, and streamline decisions. But what grows in a cage? According to Steve Magness, author of “Do Hard Things,” control-based...

Brilliance: Your unfair advantage

The Conformity Trap “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde A sea of sameness surrounds us. Organizations, desperate for success, often resort to mimicking their competitors. It’s the corporate equivalent of wearing the...

Personal evolution

One thing we can be assured of is change. It’s occurring constantly, in all facets, and rapidly. Little is standing still. Think about your own progression. Where were you a year ago versus today? Where is your organization today compared to a year ago? If you...