by unthink | Apr 21, 2021 | Blog Post
We are Zoomed out. It has been a trying year for most. A loss in patience, enthusiasm, and optimism. And depending on the pandemic’s impact on your industry, workers have been challenged, either with the uncertainty or for others who are frontline, a new...
by unthink | Apr 20, 2021 | Blog Post
While the dynamics for both appear similar, what we prioritize and emphasize will change the methods, process, and outcomes, deserving of distinct consideration. When we want students and employees to learn, we place them in a room, at a table, books and material in...
by unthink | Apr 12, 2021 | Blog Post
After that first bite, inevitably there is another, and another. It’s no wonder they now make king size. We just cannot get enough. It takes willpower to control ourselves to stop. Growth has the same effect. As people or organizations, growth always feels good....
by unthink | Apr 10, 2021 | Blog Post
Your friend’s spouse is no longer at home. A work colleague has put on weight. The customer is agitated and curt. Our immediate reaction is to judge and opine, and in most instances, it is typically a negative one. They are separated. He is lazy and eats...
by unthink | Apr 9, 2021 | Blog Post
When is an answer not the right answer? Common thinking suggests that when someone seeks our advice or guidance we should be thoughtful and provide them with the answers to their questions. This is an appropriate response when the person asking the question requires...