Positivity is contagious

We are hardwired to focus on the negatives. A review or assessment of people or initiatives inevitably will focus on what is wrong, even when we look for positives. Where is the value in that? We fixate on the imperfect and the insufficient. We highlight ‘could have,...

Show Up

You have been at it now for weeks, and you are showing little progress. All that effort, no noticeable change, you say. Only disappointment, fatigue, and a sense of failure. You work hard for the sale or grant, and it falls through. The time and effort to develop an...

Above Verisimilitude

They say they are committed to the partnership and will end their collaboration with our primary competitor in due course. They offer the land as rich with gold, although extensively mined. They offer direct flights from Los Angeles to Cape Town yet do not mention...

What You Put In, You Get Out

Why is it that we may choose similar options and yet the outcomes can be vastly different? Be it four years of college, a training program, apprenticeship, partnerships and even relationships. It is not a factor of time or even the specific characteristics of the...

Standing Up

There is a time for standing up. Sometimes it is difficult when you fear scrutiny. It is far simpler to stand up for something when there is a swell of support in what we believe in. Momentum pulls us into this wave and we find our voice and resolve to be a part of...