Trust, front and center

The fundamental value we rely on to conduct, interact, and participate in almost all we do daily: trust. We are unable to function unless we trust the people we know and even those we don’t. We trust that the company has packaged the decaf coffee as labeled, the news...

What’s the answer?

Frustrations are just that, whereas complex issues draw on mental and often emotional insight and strengths. Being who we are, we want to know the answer to questions and now is preferable. The answer may be simple, in which case great. Or it may be complex and not be...

Fixing bugs

A new software update seems like a daily occurrence. ‘Download to fix…’ Technology changes rapidly, and in an instant, we fix the bug, or so it may appear, and then we expect that it will not break again.  When we look to fix problems with...

An elemental invitation

Meetings are the bane of organizations, or at least they can be. Necessary, valuable, and productive when done right, but that is the case less often than not. The issue is not the meeting itself but instead our preparation for the meeting. You host a dinner party,...

An appropriate outburst

We praise the even-keeled superior or coach who demonstrates consistent composure and control regardless of the pressure and stress they encounter. It creates a calm environment and is less distractive. We mute the calm voice because of its consistent tone. We become...