by unthink | Jan 28, 2022 | Blog Post
The past few years have revealed several social and political instances that highlight fundamental challenges. At times the focus may seem to be the correct one, and in other cases, what appears to be the forefront are elements that mask the proper matter of...
by unthink | Jan 11, 2022 | Blog Post
While there is the temptation to provide others that we support, guide, coach, or lead with the answers they need, how will this help them or us? If our immediate inclination is to tell them the solution or solve the problem for them, or at worst do it on their...
by unthink | Jan 2, 2022 | Blog Post
In our haste to complete tasks or do things the way we want it, we go ahead and take on a task that is the responsibility of others. The justification we provide is that ‘it is simpler for me to do so’ or ‘it was me thinking it through, or ‘it...
by unthink | Nov 24, 2021 | Blog Post
High-performing individuals find themselves in a position where their performance in a function, with skill and diligence, gains them a promotion to oversee others, often in the same role they served with distinction. It may all seem familiar since this is what you...
by unthink | Nov 23, 2021 | Blog Post
‘I would like direct feedback or have someone tell me if they have an issue.’ Do you? While we may believe we are open to direct feedback, it is too frequent that this is not the practice of many organizations and individuals. Instead of openness, we cloak the...