Being wrong

We may be angry with some leaders these past few years. So much has occurred that we believe we should have been shielded from. People lost their homes, some their livelihood, others their lives. We are angry, and in many cases, rightfully so, since we believed that...

Amber lights

While approaching an amber light, some view it as an irritant and want to speed up to avoid stopping, while others slow down to stop. This split decision presents numerous risks with dubious rewards. So what if there is a red light and you have to stop? Is this not an...

A fan of own values

Fifty-six thousand fans closely assemble into a stadium filled with people of all ages, shapes, colors, and persuasions, just as it should be. Twenty-two gladiators appear on freshly manicured lush green grass bearing the colors of their respective clans, taking in...

Being the boss

We recognize the boss as the person who plans, directs, and manages the actions of a group, which may, in part, be true. The leader is typically someone who has conviction in both direction and process. The better ones are inviting to thoughts that may alter the...

Always your team

The idea of a team is that many come together in unison to achieve and attain the same objective. The power of the team is unity. The most successful teams share a shared vision and goals, stick together and build one another up, especially in hard times. It’s not...