by unthink | Apr 5, 2023 | Blog Post
You have attained so much. You have a promising career, are well respected, created wealth, and even reached personal milestones across activities, hobbies, and knowledge attainment. Your achievements are tremendous – well done! You are a success, and it is all...
by unthink | Mar 9, 2023 | Blog Post
They do and will happen. The mere word suggests unintentional and is mainly associated with unpleasantness. We say I bumped into someone accidentally or had an accident, and it is not of focused intent. It mostly happens when there is a lack of focus or purpose....
by unthink | Mar 3, 2023 | Blog Post
Leadership brings a level of power. Mobilizing others and having them perform as necessary can make a huge difference in any group. With power, there is an element of responsibility, not only to others but in the use of power. Applied appropriately, respect...
by unthink | Feb 28, 2023 | Blog Post
The past year we experienced the workplace phenomenon referred to as the Great Resignation, where a disproportionate number of individuals chose to leave their employment for other opportunities, or in some cases, none. Resignation may be apt to describe how many...
by unthink | Feb 19, 2023 | Blog Post
On the show The Rehearsal, the team carefully outlines how individuals should tackle difficult situations precisely and, with planning and rehearsal, intends to minimize major unpleasant surprises and consequences. Through planning and mock-ups of the...