Mertics: Meaningless or mandatory?

The adage “if we do not measure it, it does not matter” has become a mantra in business. Yet, for most organizations and individuals, it would suggest that most of their efforts are meaningless, as they remain unmeasured. We rely on outdated, one-sided...

Is Coaching Right for you?

Coaching can be a transformative experience, but it’s not for everyone. As the world’s #1 executive coach, Marshall Goldsmith, says, “Pick the wrong clients, and you’ll lose every time. Pick the right ones, and you can rarely fail.” So,...

Pants at the ankles

Leadership is not a game of strip poker. When you’re caught with your pants down, it’s not just a drafty situation – it’s a leadership blunder. As Benjamin Franklin wisely said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”...

Reveal hidden gems

In the relentless pursuit of growth, organizations often fixate on the allure of new products, markets, and ventures that promise a tantalizing boost. They pour resources into unearthing these elusive gems, only to find that their impact, once introduced, is marginal...