We should challenge boundaries

It is interesting how a young child will always seem to push the boundaries. It seems constant.  As a parent especially, it can feel like your own margins of patience are being put to trial. It is frustrating and, at times, just exhausting. Why not celebrate it?...

Measure by objective

Measure by objective is a term coined by Andy Grove at Intel and taught to and popularized by John Doerr. The notion is simple: we should be creating goals that groups or teams can collectively work towards. Critical in the process is understanding what we intend to...

Do it better

We undertake and complete our task well, or our job is always at a reasonable level, and the initiatives we undertake we complete proficiently. In some cases, we may even say, ‘well done.’ And why wouldn’t we? We can go back tomorrow and do it...

Seek manure

If we want to grow, we need manure. It’s not the actual manure we should be seeking here. Instead, it is supportive; it is having a few people around you who will give you the honest, brutal feedback; the feedback that also comes with genuine care and kindness, and is...

Your onion

Life is an onion at times: it is not as simple as the exterior. Rust brown, white, yellow, purple. All so different. A beautiful bulbous vegetable. Firm, fragrant, and oh my so versatile. But the flaky, smooth exterior belies the inner core that may bring tears to...