Succinctly stated

Something we all seek, but few can do it well. Instead, we become verbose, convoluted, and confused. Can you state your strategy in one sentence if you are an organization?  Similarly, as an individual,l can you say what you do in one sentence? Nothing more. If you...

Brilliance: Your unfair advantage

The Conformity Trap “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde A sea of sameness surrounds us. Organizations, desperate for success, often resort to mimicking their competitors. It’s the corporate equivalent of wearing the...

A well-polished mirror

Feedback is a powerful tool, but its value depends on the source. As David Bradford wisely notes, feedback from one person often reflects as much about them as you. However, it’s like a well-polished mirror when multiple people offer similar insights. A...

Beyond boredom

Facts. #1. We all have limited time in a day, in a lifetime. #2. There is so much to do, experience, indulge in, explore, discover. New hobbies, new people to meet, old people to connect with, new experiences, many books, places to see, and adventures to embrace. Do...

Own your lane

Craving acceptance? Are you yearning for recognition? We all do. It pushes us to shine, to flaunt our talents and wisdom. Yet, while we’re bending over backwards, showing off our flexibility and versatility, we’re missing the plot. The real deal is knowing...