The delusion of scattered dreams

The numbers tell a stark truth: A Harvard Business School study found that companies pursuing more than five strategic priorities were 50% less likely to achieve market leadership. Yet the average executive today juggles 12-15 major initiatives. Consider Apple. Under...

Less priorities, more impact

According to Deloitte’s workplace burnout survey, 77% of employees feel burned out at their current job. The paradox? Those who do less often achieve more. Warren Buffett’s famous “2-List” strategy crystallizes this concept. He advises his...

Blurred vision

We confuse abundance with clarity. Our dashboards overflow with numbers, each claiming importance, each demanding attention. Priority used to mean one – the first, the vital. Now, we juggle ten “priorities,” pretending they all matter equally. Strip...

Less, but better

Each year, I set a guiding mantra to help me navigate the paths I can likely follow, discover new and interesting opportunities, and look for growth. Yet, this year, all of this needs to happen in the same amount of time as last year, which is 24 hours less because of...

Focus: The art of saying ‘No’

The entrepreneurial mind is a bustling marketplace of ideas, opportunities, and tasks. It can be exhilarating, but it can also be paralyzing. The secret to finding focus isn’t in deciding what to do. It’s in choosing what to say no to. As Steve Jobs...