When speed kills value

Ron Johnson’s arrival at JCPenney in 2011 perfectly captures the collision between good intentions and hasty execution. Fresh from his Apple retail success, Johnson launched a radical transformation – eliminating coupons, restructuring prices, and renovating...

When your gut speaks

Listening or Analyzing “The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you, and you don’t know how or why.” – Albert Einstein Our...

Selective memory

Bombarded by data, our brains perform an astonishing feat. Research reveals we process about 34 gigabytes of information during our waking hours – equivalent to watching 100,000 words scroll by each day (reading an entire novel or scrolling through nearly 3,000...

Your race

We sprint through our days, measuring ourselves against benchmarks we never consciously chose. Following paths laid out by others, chasing finish lines drawn in someone else’s race. The most profound question isn’t about speed or position – it’s...

Thorns and roses

The dance looks familiar. Whether business or romance, partnerships often start with champagne promises and end with bitter cider realities. The pitch deck shines, the synergies look perfect, and everyone’s on their best behavior. Sound familiar? We court...