
Those athletes who attain a level many may aspire to, and yet few achieve this impressive feat. We may put it down to good genes and opportunities. However, this is not only athletes but people in business, academics, founders of non-profits, scientists, doctors, and...

Principle of threes

Threes is my preferred practice for setting priorities, goals, or objectives. A single priority seems too simple and lacks diversity in what one must achieve. Two is palatable. Three is a manageable stretch, and four or more seem to have lost any urgency or sense of...

Repetition with time

It is what we do to learn a new skill and master it. Then, we repeat the same thing[-, and initially, there is some failure, but with time there is a progression towards what appears to be perfection. That same principle applies if we seek to optimize time. Repeating...

False start

You jump out the gate too fast, only to be called back. Not literally, but there are times when we are over-ambitious and enthusiastic. So our mind is already at the finish line that we forget that an entire sequence of events must occur. The same applies to the start...

Keeping the team on track

The post ‘Did you do it?’ addressed individual accountability. What about teams? An organized group plan creates deadlines, agrees on commitments, and develops action plans with the identified elements of ‘Who, What, and When.’ Without all three, there will inevitably...