Achieving harmony in time management

In effective time management, two distinct strategies emerge, vertical and horizontal scheduling. To unlock the full potential of our time, it’s crucial to grasp the nuances of these approaches and discover the equilibrium that suits our individual needs....

Mastering a language: Focus equals success

Learning a new language is daunting. Juggling two or more? Recipe for disaster. Our effectiveness plummets, progress stalls, and we may abandon ship. The solution? Choose one language. Dedicate time, evaluate progress, and watch your efficiency soar. The same applies...

Critical data

We can only manage what we measure. It is difficult to appreciate our progress unless we have a target we are working toward and a base from which we are working. At that point, we can assess where we are on the continuum of base to goal. The question that we then...

Time to act

While it may not be going to plan, you remain optimistic or at least hopeful. See musing, It’s the hope that kills. Too often, the demise is inevitable, and our inability to act now creates further damage beyond that incurred to date. The underperforming and...

It’s the hope that kills

The facts layout in totality and clearly. With looming eventualities, possible becomes predictable and soon probable. We hold on. Too often, well beyond any reasonable logic. Because we hope....