The one relationship to nurture

The most complex relationship you’ll ever have is with yourself. Most people spend years learning about others while barely scratching their surface. “Know thyself” – Ancient Greek aphorism Think of your inner landscape like an iceberg. What...

When gifts lose their soul

The best gifts aren’t found on Amazon’s bestseller list. They whisper, “I see you,” without saying a word. A gift stops being a gift when it becomes an obligation when it’s picked from a registry or bought because the calendar says so...

Why leaders break mirrors

The temptation is magnetic. Point fingers. Fix others—control outcomes. Yet here you sit, gripping tightly to what’s already slipping through your fingers. Every leader faces that 3 AM truth – the one that whispers: “Maybe the chaos out there...

Whose bags do you carry?

In most interactions, we often find ourselves entangled in the threads of others’ problems. It’s a curious phenomenon – how someone else’s grievance can suddenly become our burden, and soon enough, we are snared. The ancient philosopher Epictetus...

Illuminating dark alleys

How does the thought of walking through a dark, unknown alley make you feel? Now imagine yourself as someone completely different, walking through that alley. A different age, race, gender, or physical disposition. In all likelihood, the experience would be very...