When your gut speaks

Listening or Analyzing “The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you, and you don’t know how or why.” – Albert Einstein Our...

When whispers mislead

Research from workplace psychology reveals that chronic complainers and gossip spreaders experience 23% higher stress levels and report lower job satisfaction than their peers (Harvard Business Review, 2023). “The most dangerous person is not the one who...

Reality bites back

Fighting what exists drains the energy needed to change what could be. Many leaders confuse acceptance with surrender, missing the vital difference between the two. Most struggle because they are too busy resisting current conditions to see the opportunities within...

Negotiation needs no logic

In high-stakes FBI negotiations, Chris Voss discovered something counterintuitive – rationality takes a backseat to emotion. Research by Tversky and Kahneman confirms people act irrationally in 150 different ways through cognitive biases. Savvy negotiators...

Behind the mask

Too often, we work closely with individuals yet have no sense of who they are or what is important to them. We are quick to judge and assume. We inevitably form unfounded and invalidated opinions regarding individual behaviors and character without knowledge of the...